D&D for Parents, Learn to DM Katie Lear D&D for Parents, Learn to DM Katie Lear

The Podcast Zone: Everything You Need to Know About DND Podcasts

Long day of cleaning ahead? Dog itching for an epic walk? The inevitable bore of a long road trip looming into your future? Fear not—an epic lineup of fun, engaging, and intriguing Dungeons and Dragons podcasts are here!

D&D podcasts (and podcasts in general) have seen a major renaissance since the pandemic, and there’s an endless backlog of worlds and settings when it comes to choosing your next adventure. Well-produced, theatrical D&D podcasts can be a great way to pass the time as an individual or as a family, and they can also be an engaging, practical way to familiarize yourself with the rules and mechanics of the game. So whether you’re an iTunes or Spotify fanatic, it’s time to find your next epic quest!

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Mental Health, D&D for Parents Katie Lear Mental Health, D&D for Parents Katie Lear

Rolling for Focus: 7 Benefits of DND for Kids with ADHD

In a world where online distractions reign supreme and attention spans waver, children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often find themselves navigating an uphill battle. However, amidst the chaos of modern life, a beacon of hope emerges in the form of an unexpected hero – Dungeons & Dragons! This cherished tabletop role-playing game isn't just about rolling dice and slaying dragons; it's a transformative journey that offers unique therapeutic benefits for children struggling with ADHD.

So, what exactly makes Dungeons & Dragons such a game-changer for ADHD kids? Let's roll the dice and explore the unique benefits it offers.

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D&D for Parents, Mental Health Katie Lear D&D for Parents, Mental Health Katie Lear

Should I Let My Child Have Discord? A Guide for Parents

Online gaming aficionados, we have gathered here today to discuss a potentially controversial topic: Discord for kids. If you’re the parent of a D&D-loving child, you’ve likely heard your child talking about this app. And if you’re a gamer yourself, you’re probably using it already!

Depending on who you ask, Discord is either a fun and easy way for kids to connect with friends (often while playing games) or the supreme source of internet evil. The opinions I hear from fellow parents about Discord as a therapist, D&D professional, and mom are all over the map.

So what’s a parent to do? Cave to the pressure and let your kid use Discord even if you feel a little uncomfortable? Restrict Discord entirely and risk your child missing out on quality social interaction? Go on a deep internet dive trying to figure out how to make Discord as safe as possible for your kid?

We run online D&D games for kids and teens, so internet safety is an absolute top priority around here. We use a variety of tools to play—and yes, sometimes Discord is one of them! In this guide, we’ll be breaking down everything you need to know about Discord to make an informed deicision about whether to allow it for your child.

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D&D for Parents, Mental Health Katie Lear D&D for Parents, Mental Health Katie Lear

What Are the Social-Emotional Skills Used in Dungeons and Dragons?

The collaborative, immersive nature of D&D makes it an amazing vehicle for social and emotional learning. You’re literally putting yourself in another person (or elf, or gnome, or giant talking cat’s) shoes. How you interact with others has a huge influence on the success or failure of your game. You almost can’t help but improve your people skills!

But what exactly are social-emotional skills, and how do they get used in the game? Therapists are sometimes guilty of dropping buzzwords like “SEL skills” without really unpacking what they mean. So today, let’s get into it! We’re going on a deep dive into the social-emotional skills we see kids use over the course of a standard D&D campaign. You’ll learn what SEL skills are, why they’re important, and how they play out in D&D.

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